2024 Summer Schedule
M 16 Opening Day for the season Featured Show: Art of Washington Island School Kids: The opening exhibition draws inspiration from the recently installed collaborative tessellation on the school’s front pediment, which features 45 interconnected birds arranged in a triangular pattern. This installation is the result of a collective effort involving students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The exhibition at the ANC will present a miniature version of the original piece alongside a variety of bird designs created by students of all grade levels. Each piece highlights the unique creativity of the students. The works on display will showcase a range of mediums, including printmaking, sculpture, painting, drawing, and multimedia.
At its core, the installation symbolizes how each student, while an individual, is part of something much larger—our school, community, and the world. Just as the birds are interconnected in the tessellation, the students' unique contributions come together to form a greater whole..
Sun 22 Opening Reception: 4:30-6:00 p.m.
T 2 Hike Jackson Harbor Ridges with naturalist Steve Waldron Meet at Fisherman’s Cottage 9:00 a.m.
W 2 &Th 3 Art with Grace Iconic Buildings and Home, Sweet Home!
Did you know? Quoins, Gingerbread and Dentils, are all Architectural Features.
Tuesday, July 2 Please call to register for all classes between 10:30 am- 4:00 am 920-847-2657
Age 3-5 10:00 - 10:30 Class size 10 children. (Parent present with 3’s and as needed.) $5
Be an architect and design a house with colored shapes. Then draw important details like doorknobs, chimney bricks or stone and a foundation.
Age 6-9 *11:00 - 11:45 Class size 12 students.
A city street comes alive with the architecture of different kinds of buildings from row houses to stores, and office buildings. Learn about architectural features that make each building unique and plan your own street scene. $7
Age 10-Adult *1:30 - 2:30 Class size 12 students.
Identify iconic architecture and learn the features of different styles through time and place. Do ink line drawings of your choice of building or create your own original design. $9
Wednesday, July 3
Age 3-5 10:00 – 10:30 Class size 10 children. (Parent present with 3’s and as needed.) $5
Night lights of the city show silhouettes of roof tops and patterns of light in the windows of skyscrapers. Color is everywhere, in signs, headlights and traffic lights. (Pastels are messy.)
Age 6-9 *11:00 – 11:45 Class size 12 students.
Make a village in 3-D! Everyone contributes an orange juice size carton building of their design. House, hospital, high school, church, candy shop or café, each has different architectural features, and all are part of a neighborhood. Add awning, steps, porch, steeple, dormers, etc. $7
Age 10- Adult *1:30 – 2:30 Class size 12 students.
Home, sweet home, be it log, Victorian, plantation, saltbox, farmhouse, castle… it’s your choice to design. Select features that fit a certain style or create an original the way you’d like it to be. $9
*Class time may be extended up to 30 minutes to accommodate those who need more time.
W 3 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 5 Junior Naturalist (call to register) * 9:00-10:00
T 9 Hike Little Lake Trail with our naturalists team. Meet at ANC parking lot at 9 a.m. then we will travel to trial head.
T 9 Animal Atheletes Join naturalists Amber and Payton for a palyful experience of how animals move.
W 10 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) D
Th 11 Art class: Sharpie marker T-shirts 1 p.m. $10 includes one t-shirt and various colors of markers.
S 13 Art in the Park and Ice Cream Social 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
F 12 Junior Naturalist (call to register) * 9:00-10:00
T 16 Hike Jackson Harbor Ridges with our naturalist team. Meet at Fisherman’s cottage. 9:00 a.m.
W 17 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 19 Featured show: Nature and the Night - Photography by Ryan Anderson
F 19 Junior Naturalist (call to register) * 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Su 21 Reception for Ryan Anderson 4:30- 6:00 p.m.
M 22 Dissect Owl Pellets $10 2:00 p.m. Call to register. Class size is limited.
T 23 Hike Big Little Marsh trail with our naturalist team Meet in the parking lot off Michigan Rd. This hike takes us through sand dunes that were an ancient shoreline and then through a beech/maple forest. 9 a.m
T 23 Gyotaku: Japanese Fish Printing with Ellie Dunham. $5 We will be inking up fish models, then making prints right off the fishes! Lots of different shapes to choose from, and we can add leaves and other shapes as well.
W 24 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 26 Junior Naturalist (call to register)* 9:00-10:00 a.m.
M 29 Buzz About Bees: 2:00 p.m. Call to Register
M 29 Tick Talk: the Story of Lyme (and other) diseases with Dr. Terri Foster. 7 :00 p.m. at the ANC
T 30 Masks: You will be given a preformed paper mache face mask to embellish and create a unique mask. 1:30 p.m. $6 Call to register
W 31 Book Discussion: Klara and the Sun, led by Libby Sachs and co-sponsored with Fair Isle Books 2:00 p.m. meet at the ANC
W 31 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 2 Junior Naturalist (call to register)* 9:00-10:00 a.m.
M 5 Bug Motel Construction 2:00 p.m. Call to register
T 6 Block Print a Bandana! with Ellie Dunham Awaken your inner scout, cowboy, or nature ranger and create a unique wearable bandana. We’ll use fabric inks and woodblocks and stamps. Inke are nontoxic and washable. Bring your ideas and wear a smock. We will get inky! Taught by Ellie Dunham Ages 6 and older. $5 1:00 p.m. Call to register. $5 1:00 p.m. Call to register
W 7 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 9 Junior Naturalist (call to register)* 9:00-10:00 a.m
T 13 W 14 Art with Grace Woodruff: Call to register
Ages 4-6 10 - 10:30
Tuesday, Aug. 13: How did you get to the island; by air, land, or sea?
It’s up in the air in a beautiful balloon to see all kinds of transportation. A bit of everything from finger paint, to stamp printing, torn paper and drawing comes together for this scenic ride.
Wednesday, Aug. 14: Trains and trucks transport people and a lot of stuff.
Stamp print a train from engine to caboose, then while it dries, make a pickup truck from scraps.
Class size 8, plus parents to accompany younger children as needed.
Age 7 and up *11 – 12:00
Tuesday, Aug. 13: Let’s look at lighthouses and how artists use reflections on the water. This tissue paper collage of air, land, and sea is first drawn with black marker on clear acetate and explores the many faces of sky and sea.
Wednesday, Aug. 14: There are two options, a mini diorama or a diorama in the round. Multiple materials are assembled to create a 3D lighthouse setting with a calm or a raging sea.
Class size 12.T 13 Hike Little Lake Trail with our naturalist team. Meet at the ANC parking lot. 9:00 a.m.
W 14 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk
F 16 Junior Naturalist (call to register) * 9:00-10:00 a.m.
F 16 Annual Exhibit of Washington Island Art Association: Art from Private Collections on the Island: Show and sale.
Su 18 Reception for WIAA Show 4:00-5:30 p.m.
T 20 Hike Little Lake Trail with naturalists team. Meet at ANC parking lot at 9:00 a.m.
T 20 Adventure in Blue: Photographic printing. Learn how to make your own unique print using a simple photographic process —cyanotype! We will use flowers, weeds, and other natural items — along with the light of the sun — to make beautiful blue and white artworks on paper. This nontoxic process is kid friendly and fun for all ages. Grownups are welcome too! Fee $5. Call to register.
W 21 Star party (Meet behind Farm Museum) Dusk.
F 23 Junior Naturalist (call to register) * 9:00-10:00 a.m.
M 26 Walk and Talk Mushroom Hike with Walker Rugeley: 1:00 p.m. Walker Rugeley is an island resident and amateur mycologist. An active member of the Wisconsin Mycological Society, he regularly attends mushroom walks and lectures in Wisconsin as well as the Appalachians & Texas. He is eager to share what he knows and share an appreciation for fungi and nature.
We will meet at the ANC where we will then travel to location to look for mushrooms. For those attending the walk, consider bringing a basket, and a roll of wax paper. We will collect specimens and bring them back to the art & nature center to discuss there. Let’s hope for a good rain the day before! Call to register for this program.
T 27 Hike Jackson Harbor Ridges with our naturalist team. Meet at the Fisherman’s Cottage. 9:00 a.m.
*Junior Naturalist Program: Help feed and take care of critters and exhibits in the Nature Center with naturalist.